The Ambiance Singers

AGM Minutes 2024

Date: June 11, 2024

Location: 2588 Pollard Drive, Mississauga

Attendees: 16 members including Executive Committee.

Call to Order at 7:15pm

1. Welcome from the President

2. Adoption of the previous Annual General Meeting minutes    

    Motion: Motion made that minutes be approved.

    Seconded: Motion seconded.

    Motion carried.

3. Approval of Director – 2024-2025 season

4. Approval of continued use of 2588 Pollard Drive as practice location

5. Executive:


President: Carol Walker 

Vice President: Kim Amodeo 

Treasurer: Pat Kitteringham 

Acclaimed (uncontested): 

Librarian and Member at Large: Michelle Ching’anda 

Public Relations: Pinar Tahirbegi 

Secretary: Philomena Saldanha

6. Financial Report

 The Treasurer presented financial report and financial statements current to date of AGM

Increased membership and performance revenue in 2023-2024 resulted in stronger financial outcome 

Motion made that the financial report be accepted as presented.

    Seconded: Motion seconded. 

    Motion carried.

7. Public Relations Report

  Provided in writing to members prior to the meeting, no concerns raised.

8. Librarian-Member at Large Report

    Provided in writing prior to the meeting, no concerns raised.

9. Digitization

  Members will be provided music digitally going forward for spring performance numbers To explore use of choir management software/ap going forward.

10. Music Selection Committee 

    4 choir members plus Director selected.   

11. Questions and Answers

  First practice of 2023-2024 season September 3. Doors open 6:30 pm, singing at 7:00 pm.

12. Adjourn

    The motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 9:00 pm. Approved.